The Scriptures
We believe the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction.
2 Timothy 3:15-17
The True God
- We believe that there is only one true God.
- He is revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature.
John 4:23-24; Matthew 28:19
The Fall of Man
We believe that man was created by God in a state of holiness but through the temptation of Satan, he transgressed the command of God by free choice and fell from his original state.
Genesis 1:27, 3:6-24; Romans 5:19
The Way of Salvation
- We believe that salvation involves the redemption of the whole man and is offered to all through the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Salvation includes regeneration, sanctification and glorification.
Ephesians 2:8, 9; John 3:16
We believe that justification is God's gracious and full acquittal upon principles of righteousness of all sinners who believe in Christ.
Romans 5:1, 2; Acts 13:38-39
The Freeness of Salvation
We believe that the blessings of salvation are made free to all.
Romans 1:16, 3:24, 6:23, 10:13; Ephesians 2:8-9
Grace in Regeneration
We believe that regeneration or the new birth is a change of heart brought by the Holy Spirit.
John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 5:17
Repentance and Faith
We believe that repentance and faith are sacred duties, wrought in our souls by the Spirit of God.
Mark 1:14-15; John 16:18
We believe that sanctification is the process by which we are made partakers of His holiness; that it is a progressive work; that it is begun in regeneration; and that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
1 Peter 1:2; I Thessalonians 5:23-24
The Perseverance of the Saints
- We believe that such only are real believers as endure until the end.
- They are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
John 8:31; I John 2:19; John 6:39, 10:28-29; Ephesians 4:30
Baptism and the Lord's Supper
- We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer.
- The Lord's Supper is the commemoration of the death of the Lord Jesus, preceded by solemn self-examination.
Acts 8:36-39; I Corinthians 11:23-26
The Resurrection
- We believe that the Scriptures clearly teach that Jesus rose from the dead. He now exists in His glorified body at God's right hand.
- There will be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked.
- The bodies of the righteous will conform to the glorious spiritual body of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 20:17-19, 28:6-7; John 5:28-29